ballot box graphic

One in five people eligible to vote has a disability.

ADANC is encouraging Consumers and NC residents to get out and vote for the upcoming 2020 election. Below are guidelines and resources for voting during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Follow the Instructions Below To Request an Absentee Ballot:

“Select the third option if you are a visually impaired North Carolina registered voter who has used the first option to request an accessible ballot and has received notice from your county board of elections that your ballot is available. You may now access your ballot through this portal.”

Click Here to request an accessible ballot


Use the link below to order a free voter safety kit. 

Order a Voter Safety Kit

Kits include:

– Hand Sanitizer

– Disposable Mask

– Disposable Gloves

– Ink Pen


Q: Do I need a voter ID to vote in North Carolina?

A: No. “Until further order of the courts, voters are not required to show photo ID. The law was enjoined by a federal district court on December 31, 2019.” –

Q: I’m already registered to vote, do I need to update my registration every time I vote? 

A: Update your registration ONLY if you have moved, or changed where you received mail, since the last time you voted.


Contact for additional questions