Youth Transition

We provide support for youth who are transitioning into post-secondary life. ADANC assists with any independent living skill, with a special emphasis on employment and education. To be eligible for this service a youth must meet the following criteria:
  • Have a disability and was eligible for an IEP
  • Have completed or left secondary education
  • Is 24 years and younger
The YLF group of 2016

Institutional Transition

ADANC assists individuals who are transitioning from an institution —such as a nursing home, adult care home, treatment facility, correctional institution or other government operated treatment facility. We work directly with transitioning individuals to help with the services and supports they need to move from an institutionalized setting into the community.
Two men in a kitchen discussing a project

Institutional Diversion

ADANC can assist those at risk of entering an institution to remain in the community. Individuals in the following circumstances may be at an increased risk of institutionalization:
  • Over 65
  • Aging caregiver
  • Homeless or soon to be homeless (can include living in temporary housing or with a relative and looking for more permanent housing)
  • In an abusive situation
  • Having difficulty paying rent or utilities
  • Someone whose caregiver is petitioning for guardianship
Examples of institutional diversion services that ADANC staff can provide include but are not limited to the following situations:
  • Assisting someone who is aging or has an aging caregiver with mastering
  • Independent Living Skills.
  • Consulting with a parent about alternatives to day programs and residential group homes.
  • Providing consumers with resources for home modifications or assistive technology to help them remain in the community.
  • Mentoring someone who has been told they need to live in a nursing home or group setting.