Me Too: Meliane Montague

Meliane Montague wearing a me too. shirt

I recently went out of town with my closest friends Jackie and Debra to our annual Eastern Regional Convention in Charlotte. I am comfortable with these folks in my wheelchair and usually have a good time at the banquet. This year as I watched them dance at the banquet I felt the pain of not being able to walk. I did something I have not done since I have been injured. I tried to move a toe not my foot but a toe…I guess I was channeling the movie “Kill Bill.” Normally, I sit and move in my chair to the beat of the music especially when the line dancing music starts to play.

You would have to of known me before to know that I was a dancer and the life of the party. Jackie, Debra and I were the line dancing Queens. If we didn’t know it when we got to the convention…we did when we left. I would say my legs were my best attributes…they defined me and my personality. It is at these times I really have to reach down and count my blessings to be alive and able to enjoy my friends. I have met some true friends in this new world I live in and they have shown me a new way to enjoy life. I have to remember that I am not alone in this struggle and every day becomes a Me Too story.

M Joann Montague
May God Keep You Wrapped In His Arms