All North Carolinians age 5 and older are eligible to be vaccinated. 

ADANC recognizes the complexity and frequent changes in COVID-19 policies, and resources. This page is dedicated as a one-stop hub to find the latest information and resources for you or a loved one. Whether you are a consumer, a parent/legal guardian, healthcare worker, veteran, etc. we will have the latest information available and accessible. Please reach out to for questions or accessibility issues.

COVID-19 Vaccine

General Resources

COVID-19 Testing

Alternative Communication

Technology Resources

Parents/Legal Guardians/Families


Financial Resilience


Mental Health


Resources for People who are Homeless

NC Division of Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing



COVID-19 Vaccine

Vaccine Location Tool

Vaccine Help Center Hotline: 888-675-4567

Disability Information and Access Line (DIAL)

Phone Number: 888-667-1199

How do I find a COVID-19 Vaccine or Booster?- CDC

COVID-19 Booster Shot Information- CDC

Blue Cross Blue Shield Information and Resources 

COVID-19 Vaccine Communication Toolkit

In-Home Vaccination:

The state of North Carolina is offering in-home COVID-19 vaccination appointments for individuals who find it difficult to leave their home

Phone number: 866-303-0026

Vaccine Information from AARP





General Resources


Can provide helpful resources during COVID-19 in addition to general resources.  

Phone number: 888-892-1162


COVID-19 Triage Plus:

Provides information to patients about coronavirus and case management to ensure patients get the care they need.

Phone number: 877-490-6642
Hours of Operation: 8:00am to 8:00pm everyday


This website offers materials and resources for people during the COVID-19 pandemic.

North Carolina State Updates on COVID-19: 

Puts out the latest updates on COVID-19 in addition to resources by category.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

 Helpful information on Coronavirus and what you can do to protect yourself and others.  

The Autism Society of North Carolina, COVID19 Resource Page 

Provides webinars, blogs, toolkits, and other relevant resources related to the COVID-19 pandemic for people with disabilities.

COVID-19 testing site locater

Risk factors for severe illness from COVID-19

North Carolina Child Care Resource and Referral Council:

This is a resource for parents who are looking for child care and other resources for their children.

Phone number: 888-600-1685

NCDHHS Support Services Program: 

While this program is closed, the link lists other food resources across the state.

The Center for Volunteer Caregiving:

This volunteer-based agency provides transportation, in-home connections, and caregiver support to eligible seniors and people with disabilities. 

Phone number: 919-460-0567

Service Area: Wake County

Disability & Disaster Hotline

This is a hotline for people with disabilities during disasters and times of crisis. When you call the number, you will leave a voicemail explaining your need and an expert will call you back within 24 hours.

Phone number: 800-626-4959

Hours: 24/7

Legal Aid of NC:

Offers information on a variety of different topics impacted by COVID-19, including, housing, employment, and education.

Phone number: 866-219-5262

Guidance on when “Long COVID” should be considered a Disability


Resources for People with “Long COVID”


NC non-congregate sheltering Access Points:

This list of agencies by county may be able to assist an individual who needs a non-congregate shelter situation due to testing positive for COVID-19, exposure to COVID-19, or being high risk to contract the virus.  


COVID-19 Testing

When is Testing for COVID-19 Necessary?

Locating a COVID-19 Test – Free at-home COVID-19 tests

COVID-19 At-Home Testing Eligible for Reimbursement by Insurance Companies and Group Health Plans

COVID-19 Test Home Collection Kit Program



Alternative Communication


CommunicationFIRST, COVID-19 Communication Rights Toolkit: 

This resource has guidance for people with speech impairments on communication in health care settings, specifically during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Autistic Self-Advocacy Network, Plain Language COVID-19 Resources: 

This resource offers information about COVID-19 and other related topics in a plain language format.

Technology Resources: Free/Reduced Price


The North Carolina Department of Information Technology:

This website lists public locations where free access to the internet is available.

The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP)

This program provides a monthly discount on internet service and a one-time discount on a connected device, such as a laptop.

ACP support Center: (877) 384-2575


In partnership with SafeLink Wireless, they may be able to provide extra services through a combination of Lifeline and the Affordable Connectivity Program. If you are a recipient of SNAP or Medicaid, you may be eligible.

PCs for People:

Offers low-cost laptops, desktops, and portable internet to eligible individuals. Please see the link for more information.

Kramden Institute:

Offers reduced-price computers to eligible individuals with low incomes.

Phone number: 919-293-1133




Parents/Legal Guardians/Families

The ADA and Face Mask Policies

Individuals, Families, and Communities

Virtual Family Assistance Center

“Virtual IEP Meeting Tip Sheet”



Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Emergency Rental Assistance Toolkit:

This website allows individuals to search for rental assistance resources in their state

NC Homeowners Assistance Fund

This program helps eligible homeowners in North Carolina pay for mortgage reinstatement or other housing-related costs.

Financial Resilience

The Central Piedmont Community Action Inc., CARES NC:

They are offering assistance to eligible individuals impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic for needs, such as housing, transportation, and employment.

Service Area: Durham, Orange, Chatham, and Randolph counties

Johnston-Lee-Harnett Community Action Agency:

Offers CARES NC funding to individuals who apply and qualify. Also, offers a self-sufficiency program to help people with low incomes become independent.

Financial Resilience Center:

Set up through the National Disability Institute to help people with disabilities and chronic health conditions build financial resilience and navigate through challenging times.

Sign up for financial counseling

Applying for Unemployment Benefits in NC

Customer Service Number: 888-737-0259




Text: FoodNC to 877-877

This text will pull up the three closest drive-thru/pick-up meal sites for children 18 and younger

Feeding America

Allows individuals to search for food banks in any part of the country by entering a Zip Code in their search tool.

Food Bank of Eastern and Central NC:

They serve 34 counties throughout the state. Their website helps individuals find local food pantries and provides other relevant resources.

Phone number: 919-875-0707



Mental Health


A helpline to provide mental health support to any North Carolinian who needs it.

Phone number: 855-587-3463


Disaster Distress Helpline:

Assists people who are experiencing emotional distress during a disaster by providing counseling, support, and referrals to local behavioral health services.

Phone number: 800-985-5990


A helpline that can provide mental health support to health care workers that are experiencing stress from being on the frontlines of the COVID-19 response.

Phone number: 919-226-2002


NAMI NC’s COVID-19 Resources:

Information and resources to assist people during the Pandemic. A NAMI NC helpline is also set up to provide additional resources and support.

NAMI NC Helpline: 800-451-9682 (voice)

NAMI NC Helpline: 919-999-6527 (text)

Warm Line:

This allows you to connect with a peer support specialist 24/7. This is a non-crisis support line.

Phone number: 833-390-7728




Durham Center for Senior Life:

Offers virtual and in-person programming for seniors age 55 and older.

Phone number: 919-688-8247

Special Olympics, School of Strength:

Has workout videos hosted by a WWE Athlete and athletes with disabilities.

ARC Triangle University:

Offers a wide variety of classes in topics, such as cooking, self-advocacy, and art. Please see their website for fees and to register

Phone number: 919-942-5119


Orange County Virtual Senior Center Programs:

The senior centers in Orange county are offering both in-person and virtual programs.

Aging Helpline: 919-968-2087


Social Distancing Activities




Resources for People who are Homeless

Oak City Cares:

This day center for people who are experiencing homelessness offers mobile showers, laundry, weekend meals, and care coordination. They also offer on-site medical services through Advance Community Health, including COVID-19 testing.

Phone number: 984-344-9599 

Address: 1430 South Wilmington Street Raleigh, NC 27603 

House Wake! Access Hub:

Provides referrals to local agencies that assist people who are homeless.

Phone number: 919-443-0096




Entry Point Durham:

This agency assists people who are homeless in Durham by connecting them with resources to remedy their situation.

Phone number: 984-287-8313

Raleigh Rescue Mission:

Offers a wide range of services for people who are homeless including, The New Life Plan Program. Please see their website for more information.

Phone number: 919-828-9014

The Orange County Housing Helpline:

A resource to help individuals who are homeless or at-risk of becoming homeless get connected with shelters, emergency financial assistance, and other resources.

Phone number: 919-245-2655


The Franklin County Department of Social Services:

Provides general assistance to individuals who need help meeting basic needs such as shelter, food, and medications.

Phone number: 919-496-5721


The Johnston County Department of Social Services:

Helps people who are homeless by providing resources for where they can go to meet basic needs.

Phone number: 919-989-5300



NC Division of Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DSDHH) ASL Videos Including Captioning and Voice

Click Here to see a full list 






ADANC reconoce la complejidad y los cambios frecuentes en las políticas y recursos de COVID-19. Esta página está dedicada como un centro único para encontrar la información y los recursos más recientes para usted o un ser querido. Si usted es un consumidor, padre / tutor legal, trabajador de la salud, veterano, etc., tendremos la última información disponible y accesible. Póngase en contacto con para preguntas o problemas de accesibilidad.

Carolina del Norte ha lanzado un nuevo portal web COVID-19 en para recopilar toda la información relacionada con COVID-19, por lo que es el lugar para obtener información COVID-19 de todo el gobierno estatal, incluida la salud pública, el desempleo, los parques, tribunales, oficinas estatales y más.

Información sobre las vacunas contra el COVID-19

The N.C. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) launched SlowCOVIDNC, the official COVID-19 Exposure Notification app. People who test positive for COVID-19 can anonymously share their results on the app. Using Bluetooth technology; the app leverages Google and Apple’s Exposure Notification System (ENS) and alerts users who have the app if they have been in close contact with an individual who later tests positive for COVID-19. This enables users to act quickly and protect themselves and their communities. Download the app from the  Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.


North Carolina launched a new COVID-19 web portal at to gather all the COVID-19 related information, making it the place to go for COVID-19 information from across State governments, including public health, unemployment, parks, courts, state offices, and more.